"“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men"
Matthew 5:13 (New King James Version)
I am on vacation for a week and went to my parents places for a break... My mom bought this big crystalized salt (not sure whats its called) and she handed it over to me and asked me to sprinkle it along the coconut trees that we have in the backyard. Though I found it weird, I did it ...and then she said to pour water over the salt so that the trees could absorb the salt. I found out from my Mom that apparently the salt helps the trees grow well and the yeild of the tree is much better.
As I continued sprinkling the salt across the other trees the Lord reminded me of this verse. That we are the salt of the earth... A couple of things regarding it ... The first being that we (the salt of the earth) need to have the flavour of salt. As it says in the verse, if the salt loses it flavour it loses its purpose.
The next being that the salt has a purpose .... No matter how much flavour the salt has it fulfills its purpose only when used...When I sprinkled the salt at the base of the tree that was putting the salt to use. We as the salt of the earth need to be instrumental for the spiritual growth of others, in lending a helping hand,...in short...In being the way God wants us to be. The Bible says do unto others as you would have them do unto you... Our actions need to be the very gospel that we preach... Our lives need to reflect Christ... We are to be used for the glory of His name being a blessing to others. In James 1 :27 we read "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world"
Here comes the best part... There was a mediator between the salt on the ground and the roots of the tree.... It was the water being poured out on the salt..... The water disolves the salt crystals and changes it into a form that the roots can easily be absorbed. Every word that we speak, every action that we do needs the anointing of God upon our lives if it is to be fruitful. The Bible says that its not by might nor by Power but only by His Spirit. When we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit , He will guide us and teach us what we ought to say to others or what we need to do. When we try telling others about Christ by our own strength and our wisdom , the results are disasterous...we might end up pushing people further away than bringing them closer... But when we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit He puts the words in our mouth , He gives us wisdom and understanding ... In otherwords He changes us into a form that the other person can easily understand and listen .
We are the salt of the earth.
God Bless
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