“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. “
John 15 : 16
John 15 : 16
One of my friends dropped me a mail where he mentioned ‘SS’ sounds like secret service ! And my sis c
The cartoon character Secret Squirrel reported to his boss Double Q and they worked for the International Sneaky Service ! LOL ! But hey do we realize we have been appointed by God himself !! The Lord of hosts , the Holy One , the great I AM , the alpha and the Omega… HE appointed us ! Secret Squirrel just had probably a couple of gadgets inside his trench coat. We on the other hand have the entire Armor of God, we have the Holy Spirit ! Secret Squirrel was fictional. We on the other hand have been given the responsibility that will have a very very realistic impact for ALL ETERNITY !!
My 4 year old nephew when he started seeing for himself the power of prayer , he asked me “Are you feeling sick” and I said “no ” … it was only later that I found out that he wanted to know so that he can have an opportunity to pray for the sickness to leave ! :-) Child like faith and child like boldness. Do we have that ? We know our God is the only true living God. We know the word of God is living and powerful. Hebrews 4; 12 , “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”. Wow ! But do we live our lives that speak such a testimony ? Do we live what we believe ?
Do we abide in Him ? Or have we been carried away by the ways of the world ? Are we bearing fruit or has our entire focus shifted solely to our appraisals at work and what our friends in college think ?
We don’t strike a business deal with God . Its not a calculated relationship nor is it a safety jacket that we think “ok I better do this just in case …”. It’s a loving living real relationship. Its us abiding in Him. Its having a heavenly inflow in our lives that will outflow to those around us. Its knowing who we are in Christ. Its living every moment by Him and for Him. Its about enjoying His presence , relishing His word .
Ambassadors of Christ , ransomed by the blood of the Lamb , sealed by the Holy Spirit , in the service of the great I AM !! – It doesn’t get better than that !
God Bless
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