Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Do you love God ?
John 14 : 15 (New King James Version)
I was going through some old notes in some boxes when I came across this note that my friend had given me ten years ago. It was what the Lord had laid in her heart to tell me . And that was that I loved the people of the world more than I loved God ! I would go overboard in helping people and making them happy . But I didnt show the same zeal for God. Well here I am ten years from then and I thank God for being so patient and so merciful.
To Obey is better than to sacrifice . God is not looking at us climbing a hundred mountains or doing some great sacrificial act to show that we love Him. All that He is telling us is that if we truly love Him then we will keep His commandments !
Simple isnt it ? But do we do it ? No ! That means we dont love God . We say we do ...but we dont take the effort. Instead we give in to that unwanted relationship, that sexual bondage , that unwanted habit , that laziness, that spirit of pride,.....
If we say we love God then we are to keep His commandments ! Its as simple as that .
Do we love God ?
God Bless
Monday, June 22, 2009
Seek First
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"
Matthew 6 : 33 (New King James Version)
'Seek' .... Thats the key word of today's message. How do we seek ? Some of us dont seek at all ! We wake up every morning and decide that if there is something that God wants to tell us He will and we continue going about our daily chores. We dont even take the time to sit in His presence seek His read His word and seek Him.....
There are some of us who have a new definition of seek.... We look and get up and go :) . Thats not seeking thats more like glancing . We have gotten ourselves into a routine for fear that if we dont do it something might go wrong . So we quickly flip through our Bible , say a few lines of prayers and runnnnnnnnn .
I love this verse from Proverbs 2 : 4-5 which talks about seeking wisdom "If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God"
Seek her as ? Silver . Search for her as ? as for hidden treasures !! If I told you that there is a million dollars hidden in your house and if you find it you get to keep it ! How many of us will just try searching for five minutes and just give up and go ? :-) We will turn the house inside out !!! And we will not rest until we find it ! We will call friends to help us search ...we will do whatever we can.
Now thats seeking !! And what happens when we seek Him ? We find Him !! We find the knowledge of God ! Wow ! How many of us are seeking the Lord ? Forget about every worry every anxiety....Cast everything upon Him. We have to do just one thing and one thing only.... And that is to SEEK !
Here is another key word... FIRST ! Dont make God the last on your list . The word of God says 'SEEK FIRST"
God Bless
Why we do what we do
Matthew 6: 5 (New King James Version)
How many of us make sure we spend our time in personal prayer ? This is the verse that the Lord revealed to me for tuesday...but owing to my laziness and ill health I was not able to send it out . But the Lord taught me so much regarding this over the past few days. Praise the Lord that we have such a loving and merciful Father !
Some of us when called to sing for a concert would spend days together practicing ...some of us would go as a group teaching and working together in fellowships whenever required..... But here is the thing .... None of this can ever ever ever be a substitute for personal time with the Lord !!
Many of us find it so easy to do things as a group... We go to church on Sunday and think "Ok im good for this week !!" No no no .....
Prayer does not have to be fancy words and all.... In fact we read in verse 7 " And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words." God looks at our heart... He knows our every thought .... Verse 8 says "For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him" Isnt that wonderful ? We need to keep checking ourselves and understand why are we doing things ... Its always needs to be for the glory of God ! Not for the world ! We also need to understand that we dare not touch the glory that belongs to Him . If we have started slipping in terms of our personal prayer life then its time to get back on track before its too late .
Some people have asked me "How can someone pray for half an hour ? I can just pray for only 5 minutes ! " ...
I can drink a glass of water !! PRAISE THE LORD !!! Sounds out of context ? Here is the thing... I have had such high fever for the past few days that I could not even retain a small gulp of water !! But by God's grace today I can drink a complete glass of water !! Praise the Lord ! Our entire lifetime would not be enough to spend time in His presence and thank Him !!! We take so many things for granted ... We forget how blessed we are...we forget that God's constant protection and hand is upon us .... That even being able to drink a glass of water is such a blessing !!
I pray that today the Lord will open our eyes and touch our hearts to understand the magnitude of how blessed we are its all by His grace and His grace alone. Lets not be doing things to be seen of the world.... In the secret, in the quiet place...lets meet with our Lord and just tell Him how much we love Him.
God Bless
Sunday, June 14, 2009
We are His temple
II Chronicles 7 : 16 (New King James Version)
When we read the beginning of chapter 7 we read of Solomon dedicating the temple... In verses 1-2 we see "When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD’s house"
How many of us remember that we are His temple ? Are we conscious of that fact 24*7 ? When we accepted the Lord as Lord and Saviour of our lives we lifted up ourselves to Him ... we dedicated our lives ...His temple to be used for His glory. And He filled us with His Holy Spirit.
But so many of us keep falling back... we use His temple for doing acts which are displeasing in His sight , we use HIs temple for storing immoral thoughts , we fill it with pride, greed, ways of the world,.... What have we done to His temple ?!
The Lord is telling us that He has chosen and sanctified His house ! Thats us ! He sanctified us by the blood of the Lamb . Why ? So that His name may be there forever ! So that His eyes and His heart may be there perpetually ! Wow ! Perpetual means 'continuing or enduring forever; everlasting;continued without intermission or interruption'. This is what the Lord intends for us !
When we run into trouble we all say "Greater is He that is in me than He who is of the world" ... How many of us remember that when we choose sin over the ways of God ?
I pray that we will turn from our wicked ways and submit ourselves humbly in the sight of the Lord... That He may dwell in us and use this temple for His glory. May we never defile His temple...
God Bless
Monday, June 8, 2009
What do you do more than others?
Matthew 5 : 46 (New King James Version)
"I never get angry...but only with this person...this person just talks so illogical and always for no reason finds fault and criticizes me.... otherwise im a cool person....." Ever said that ?? I know I used to :-)
All of us can be nice and sweet to those who are sweet inturn...but how many of us can be the same loving calm peaceful person to those who are otherwise ?
This is what the word of God says in verse 44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,"
Love whom ? Your enemies
Bless whom ? Those who curse you
Do good to whom ? Those who hate you
Pray for whom ? Those who spitefully use you and persecute you
Wow ! And do you know why we ought to do this ? We read in verse 45 "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" So that we may be like our Father !!! We are His children... We carry His name.... We ought to be like Him. Our God is so merciful and just . He is so faithful and no one can ever imagine the depth of His love.....
We read in verse 47 , "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?" We are not people of this world ! No no no .... We are His children ! We are to do things differently...
May the Lord work in us and change us for His glory
God Bless
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name."
Matthew 6:9 (New King James Version)
We serve a Holy God . His name is higher than any other name , When we say 'Hallowed be Your name" we are acknowledging His Holiness... we are coming into His presence with reverence. We read in Isaiah 6 : 2-3 "Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.And one cried to another and said: “ Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” " Wow .. can you imagine that ? So many times we tend to forget the Holiness of our God.
Many of us when we pray we have a slack attitude, we forget we are in the presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. How many of us , when we have a meeting with our manager or director, make sure we get in early ? If its a meeting with the Client then we have our clothes already all picked out and well pressed , we make sure we are on time ...even if we are a minute late we apologize... How many of us get to church on time ?
We all sing 'How great is our God..sing with me how great is our God" many of us make sure we spend exclusive time in the presence of our great God ?
Such an awesome powerful mighty Holy God ,,, and yet we tend to say "Sorry I dont have time for you today !"...Angels cry out saying "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts" and to such a Holy God we willingly choose to defile His temple ( I Corinthians 6 : 19-20 "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." ). Our Body and Spirit is God's .Its Holy ! We need to handle it with reverence... and not fill it with impurity, unclean words and thoughts,...
"In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name."
God Bless
Swift & Slow
"So then,my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God"
James 1 :19-20 (New King James Version)
Someone once said "The reason why we have two ears and one mouth is so that we would listen twice the amount and speak only half " :-)
Im sure all of us find ourselves struggling with atleast one of these categories..
->Swift to hear
->Slow to speak
->Slow to wrath
Listen to correction ... thats one of the toughest things to do... We need to be swift to hear. We need to be tuned in to the right the frequency of our Lord... as He tells us and leads and guides us , we need to be sensitive to His leading . Not go all around in disobedience and then realize "ohhh I shud have just listened in the first place"
Slow to speak ! Every word that we speak must be subjected to the will of God. We are accountable for every word we speak. Death and Life are in the power of our tongue.
Slow to wrath ... This sometimes goes hand in hand with slow to speak ... Ever noticed how easier a situation is when a heated argument comes up that you just keep quiet and pray within your heart and His peace just takes over ? Its amazing . Anger is an issue that a lot of us struggle with . The Lord is telling us to keep our cool !.
All of us can keep our cool when things are going on great ...but the true test comes when someone for no reason just starts provoking us. Its then that we need to show 'we are His children"
The last line of the verse really hit me , "for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God"
Notice how all of these are visible actions that people will immediately notice 'swift to hear,slow to speak, slow to anger' . We wont have to say a word. Just being this way is itself a testimony of our Saviour living within us.
God Bless
Special Prayer Request :
The Lord has placed this burden in my heart that a lot of us are becoming slack and stagnant in our spiritual lives. Every day we read His word and hear His word... but its time we become doers of His word . We read in James 1 : 22 , "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" We can read the Bible in and out... we can read every book, every email ...listen to every message possible. But if we remain just hearers of His word we are deceiving ourselves . We really need to get down on our knees and surrender to the Lord , that He will help us become doers of His word in every aspect. The Bible says in Titus 2 : 6-8 "Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you" Please pray that we will rise up for the Lord and be doers of His word. That we will be all that is expected of us as per His Holy Word.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Do we trust Him ?
1 Chronicles 5:20 (New King James Version)
How many of us truly trust the Lord when we pray ? I know there are many times when we pray and pray and pray and say "Lord you take in charge...You take care of it .." And the moment we get up from our knees we start thinking "Ok hmmm How should I fix this situation... " Ironic isnt it ? !
Here in this verse we see that the people not only prayed , but the Lord gave them the victory because they put their trust in Him ! They truly trusted in God alone and sought Him and then went forth in His name.
We read in verse 22 that they were victorious "because the war was God's" . It wasnt their war...they had given it to the Lord to take care.
And this is the same way we need to be by God's grace when we pray... When we lift it up to Him we need to trust Him with our everything ...and let Him have His way in us and our lives and our families...
Our God is a perfect God ... How wonderful it is to give lift everything up to Him and say "Lord its Yours ! " He will lead us through and guide us and give us the victory.
God Bless
Fresh Oil !!
I have been anointed with fresh oil."
Psalm 92: 10 (New King James Version)
Its such a joy to be used for the glory of the Lord . Nothing else can compare with it .
There is this girl in our church choir..she is this very quiet, soft spoken sweet girl. Have seen her for nearly three years at church but it was only yesterday did I know that she is being used mightily for the glory of God in College Campus Ministries for the past 6-7 years. I was like "Wow ! Thatz amazing !!" . She said what started off as fellowship among few girls has now grown into this wonderful ministry for the Lord by His grace !
When God fills us up , it is to be poured out for His glory ! And when we are poured out for His glory , we get filled again with 'fresh oil' !
When we get down on our knees and interceed for others we are being poured out for His glory... Whenever we do things for the Lord we are being poured out for His glory ...
Yesterday's anointing will not hold for today... It was meant to be poured out yesterday ...And today we are to be filled with 'fresh oil' ! Wow ! How many of us want to be poured our for His glory and be filled with fresh oil ..fresh anointing everyday ?
Lets come into His presence and surrender to Him everyday , that everyday we will be poured out for His glory ..and everyday we will be filled with fresh oil for His glory .
God Bless