"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"
Matthew 6 : 33 (New King James Version)
'Seek' .... Thats the key word of today's message. How do we seek ? Some of us dont seek at all ! We wake up every morning and decide that if there is something that God wants to tell us He will and we continue going about our daily chores. We dont even take the time to sit in His presence ...to seek His will...to read His word and seek Him.....
There are some of us who have a new definition of seek.... We look and get up and go :) . Thats not seeking thats more like glancing . We have gotten ourselves into a routine for fear that if we dont do it something might go wrong . So we quickly flip through our Bible , say a few lines of prayers and runnnnnnnnn .
I love this verse from Proverbs 2 : 4-5 which talks about seeking wisdom "If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God"
Seek her as ? Silver . Search for her as ? as for hidden treasures !! If I told you that there is a million dollars hidden in your house and if you find it you get to keep it ! How many of us will just try searching for five minutes and just give up and go ? :-) We will turn the house inside out !!! And we will not rest until we find it ! We will call friends to help us search ...we will do whatever we can.
Now thats seeking !! And what happens when we seek Him ? We find Him !! We find the knowledge of God ! Wow ! How many of us are seeking the Lord ? Forget about every worry every anxiety....Cast everything upon Him. We have to do just one thing and one thing only.... And that is to SEEK !
Here is another key word... FIRST ! Dont make God the last on your list . The word of God says 'SEEK FIRST"
God Bless
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