Monday, July 19, 2010

God's communication network

“”Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”

Matthew 6: 8 (New King James Version)

One of the papers that I found interesting to read while studying in college was Mobile Communication. It was fascinating the way how signal areas were divided up into cell spaces/ranges and hence the name cellular communication. We read about why signals drop and how data is transmitted and how data is validated and so forth.

Technology has increased to such an extent that world seems so much smaller than what it was a decade ago. To call someone across continents takes just a couple of button pushes on my phone and voila I can talk to them , I can text them. Mobile deals come with their own exciting plans prepaid , postpaid … Some schemes give you unlimited texts for a certain price, some scheme give you unlimited internet browsing for a certain price… all to keep in touch with friends and family in an instant.

Isn’t God’s communication network amazing ? Someone once told me when I was a kid that God’s phone number is Jeremiah 33:3 , “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’” I found it so cool . He is always accessible to us . He is always available to us !

And you know the best part about His plan ? Its free ! He paid the price !! Its unlimited access to Him anytime we want . And there is no concept of networks busy or unreachable in God’s network ! The Bible says call to Him and He WILL answer us . And not just that … not only does He hear us but He will show us great and mighty things which we do not know ! Wow ! Isn’t that amazing .

Now when I call up a friend or family and I feel like sharing something , I gotta bring them up to speed with what’s happening . I need to tell them ‘hey you know what this and this happened..’

We read in Matthew 6: 8 that our Father knows the things you have need of even before you ask Him. When we have a need that’s on our hearts even before our knees have had a chance to touch the ground, even before our lips have uttered a single word God already knows it . Now that’s communication !! How awesome is our Lord Jesus !!

Praise the Lord we are part of the Jesus Christ Plan !! And you know what makes this even better ? You do not get just bonus points when you refer a friend . We read in Daniel 12 : 3 , “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” Wow !

Praise the Lord we are washed by His blood. Praise the Lord He is Lord and Savior of our lives.

God Bless

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