Ephesians 4: 31 (The Bible)
The tiny illustration though funny is a reflection of most our lives. We choose to carry bitterness in our lives , we choose to carry unforgiveness , we choose to carry hurts and anger. And like piled up garbage it becomes smelly and heavier over time. Nothing good can come from accumulating garbage. It is meant to be thrown out. The same is with bitterness and anger and clamor and malice and slander. It needs to be put away from our lives totally,
If we don’t put it away, we are going to be just so loaded with all that garbage that we would have lost sight of God and things of Him, because all that we see is bitterness , all that we hold on to is unforgiveness. Its time to throw the garbage out !
The only thing we are called to hold on to is Him and His Holy word !
Some of us (including me )say “Oh you don’t know… I was so good to them , I never did anything wrong , and at the end they did this , and they said that “ or for those of us who get stuck in traffic “I was on the right lane and that other person just cut me off “ , or when in a supermarket we say “That lady just cut right in front of me .. how could she do that and I was waiting in line for 10 minutes… I spoke my mind and put her in her place “ !!! At the spur of the moment we think that just because we were not in the wrong , that gives us a right to demonstrate clamor and anger and then we carry on that bitterness.
The Bible says in 1 Peter 2 : 22-23, “He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth. When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to Him who judges justly.”
Jesus Christ in whom there is no sin , when He reacted in that manner , how do you think we ought to be reacting then ?
Some of us think “oh that was Jesus ! God is Holy and He can react like that . Why should I ?”
1 Peter 1 : 16 , “since it is written, “You shall be holy for I am holy”
What are we holding on to ? Its time to let go of the garbage . Its time to understand who we are in Christ .
God Bless