Thursday, January 8, 2015


"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  "

1 Peter 2:9

Last year when I was on vacation , one morning I sleepily staggered upstairs to be wonderfully surprised to the sight of some of my church family busy baking cakes and cupcakes :) Its the best sight ever :) Kids whipping stuff , some looking on , while there's the watchful eye of  a friend who's our baking whiz ensuring all goes well while checking on the oven.  The cake and cup cakes had all these amazing colours from within that flowed out... It looked terrific. Now what if I said , "Well though the cake was made by them, Im going to call out this lil chunk out of the cake and say that no this specific part wasn't made by them"   ... You would probably look at me and say "Go back to sleep. You need rest. You are not making sense"  Yes it does sound absurd. It was a cake made with great love by amazing people. To demarcate certain portions of it and call it anything less would be a meaningless statement with absolutely no point or purpose.

Sometimes though, we tend to apportion our life and say "Well this aspect of my life is God's... but this part of me God cant use that.. This is not God's"  We are created in His image , set apart for Him. All that we are is His.  Sometimes we focus on our spiritual gifts and become poor stewards of the natural gifting that God has given us. Sometimes we focus on doing things that are visible to the world and lose out on developing a Godly Character.  ALL that we are is by Him and for Him ! God is interested in every aspect in every area of our life.  We are called to a life of complete surrender. We are called to put away things that are dishonourable and be set apart for Him. And we do this not by might but by His Spirit. He gives us the grace and the strength to pursue Holiness. God is as interested in our university life/work life/family life just as much as He is our church life :)

This is who we are : "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  "  and I pray by His grace every area of our life be a reflection of this truth

God Bless

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