Monday, September 21, 2009

Just a teaspoon of sugar

“And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.”

Exodus 17: 11 (New King James Version)

Whenever my mom used to make yummy goodies at home she always used to let me help out as a kid. Of course she would do 99.99% of the work :-) And then when she was all done she would make me feel important by saying ‘Now add this teaspoon of sugar and mix it all up’ . And would I be excited !!! And when the final treats were ready I would sit and eat it as though I had such a major role in the outcome of the final product. Praise the Lord for our mothers who shower us with so much of love.

Our Heavenly Father is so much more than that J And you know what ? He does not need us to do anything . But yet He lets us play this tiny role and makes us feel important . We are a crucial part of His plan. You need to understand that that one teaspoon of sugar though not a big thing was still vital for the whole recipe. So are you and I in God’s plan.

When we read today’s passage Exodus 17: 8-13 , we see that Joshua is heading the army and is fighting against the Amalekites. And Moses is standing on top of a hill with Aaron and Hur and he is stretching out the rod of God. And verse 11 says that while his hand was held up Israel prevailed, but whenever he let his hand down the Amalekites prevailed. Think about it … God could have given them instant victory in a fraction of a second without having Moses to do anything. God could have split the red sea just like that … He need not have asked Moses to stretch out the rod. Exodus 14: 21 says “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided

There are a couple of things that I want to share this morning…the first is we need to realize that God doesn’t need us …But yet He chose us to be used for His glory . What an honor that the great I AM would chose to use us as part of His plans. Our God is a God of wonders. All He is looking for is a heart that is willing to be used for His glory. He is looking for us to walk in faith and know that He is God. He is looking for a generation that will say ‘Lord, Here I am’.

The second is , we read that not all battles are won in an instant . They require us to constantly stretch out our hands towards the heavens and over the battle in His name.
Is there something that you have been praying for ? Is there someone for whom you have been praying for their salvation ? Keep your hands stretched out !! Continue to pray for them…. Don’t give up… The battle is the Lord’s. And you are part of His plan. You have to be on your knees and pray for whatever the need is…. You need to stretch out your hands.

The third is , have believers around you … you might become weary ! :) . Moses’s hands started becoming heavy. Aaron and Hur got a stone that Moses could sit on and they each held up one hand. Just imagine that sight . Aaron on one side of Moses and Hur on the other side . And all of them are united towards one goal. The Bible says that Moses’s hands were steady until the going down of the sun and Israel defeated the Amalekites. There are times when we become weary… when we have been praying for so long and we just become weary . Have believers around you who will support you in prayer that together your hands may be lifted up towards the heavens. And you know what ? The battle will be won.

We read in verse 15 “And Moses built an altar and called its name, ‘The-LORD-Is-My-Banner’” . In Hebrew its YHWH Nissi. The Lord is our banner. Are we willing to be used by the Lord ? Miracles can happen right in our rooms. All it takes is a heart that says ‘Lord use me’. When we pray our God listens. Battles can be won right in our homes . All we need to do is continue to pray and pray and pray and listen to His voice.

Have you been praying for the salvation of friends or family ? Don’t give up … Keep praying . It is God’s will that all may be saved and have life eternal. Keep your hands stretched out. The Lord is our banner and His name will be lifted up on high.

God Bless

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