Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Who is our King?
Daniel 6: 10 (New King James version)
Who is our King ? A little background to the context of this verse. Daniel was appointed as one of the governors by Darius. We read in Daniel 6:3 , “Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.” Of course everyone else was envious and wanted to bring him down but they just could not find any fault in him. So they got the king to sign a decree that for 30 days the people would only petition before a statue of the king and should not serve any other god. And if they were found doing so they would be cast into the lions den.
So here is an order that comes from king Darius , Daniel’s boss . Daniel didn’t think , “Hmmm ok Lord , you gave me this job , so hmmm its only 30 days right , I will talk to you quietly with no one seeing , you know everything right Lord. I need to do what my boss says else I will lose my job , well in this case worse , I will be cast into the den.”
I really wonder what lame excuses I might have given if I was in Daniel’s position. But this is what Daniel did. He knew that he belonged to one person and one person alone – The Holy God Almighty. He knew his first and foremost obedience was to his God. He knew there would be no compromise on his communion with God . He knew who was his boss , his King !!
Do we understand that we are not citizens of earth but are citizens of heaven ? Do we truly realize that above everyone and everything in this world our heart our mind our everything is to do be in obedience and love to Him ?
How much have we compromised ? How much have we allowed the world to be our king and ruler ?
We are in the world but not of the world . May nothing nothing nothing ever draw us away from our relationship with Him.
Daniel could have said , “oh Lord you know my heart , you know I love you , so that’s all that counts , don’t mind for these 30 days…” No no no ! He would always pray and give thanks to God in such a manner and nothing could ever make him compromise even a tiny bit of his walk with God.
You know because of Daniel’s decision what was the outcome ? Darius wrote a decree in verse 26 , “I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, And steadfast forever; His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, And His dominion shall endure to the end.”
Wow ! If we would not compromise on our walk with God can you imagine the outcome ?
God Bless
Monday, April 18, 2011
Deal with it at the roots
- Dig all around it – preparation
- Put the manure – enrichment
Not spending time in His presence ? Not reading His word ? Struggling with bondages of sin ? Deal with it at the roots ! If our problem is not spending time in His presence (remember we are talking about the King of kings and the Lord of lords, angels cry out Holy Holy Holy ), if we are allowing things of the world get in our way of spending time with Him, we need to dig at the roots ! Where is our heart truly ? Have we made God our Wish list granter ? Have we forgotten truly who He is ? Have we forgotten who we are in Him ? May we dig around and prepare our hearts and allow Him to enrich us with His word and Spirit.
If our problem is struggling with bondages of sin , deal with it at its roots. Hooked to pornography ? Cut off your net connection , throw away your computer , disconnect your cable . Dig all around ! Let Him enrich your life ! Spend time in His presence and with friends whose mind is set on things above.
Worried about financial situations at home ? Anxious about your future ? Deal with it at the roots . Do we truly trust God or not ? Have we been walking in His ways or not ? Are there things in our lives that need correction ? Have we been careless in what God has given us ? Dig all around ! He will enrich our lives with wisdom and He will direct our paths.
If we look on the inside of ourselves and all we see if discontent , bitterness , worldly desires and cares then how can we expect an outwardly fruit of the Spirit to be borne ? How will that ever show ?
However , if we have been feeding on His word , spending time in His presence; when we look on the inside and see things of Him , then for sure what’s on the inside will automatically spring forth fruits to be shown on the outside for His glory.
God Bless
The simplest call to answer : COME
Have we become Tax Collector Christians ?
Words of our mouth
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD my strength and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14 (New King James version)
“‘I saw a buffalo travel so fast that at one point it even overtook my car on the highway !! “ . A buffalo overtaking a car ? On the highway ? Impossible ! Nope… Its true… Scroll down to the end of theis post to see the proof :-)
I think all of us have a lawyer kind of thinking pattern within us. We are so convicted that lying is wrong. We are so convicted that cheating on taxes is wrong , we are so convicted on so many things that we try to find loop holes to make what we are doing seem right (or at least we try to convince ourselves of it :-) )
Did I see the buffalo travel faster than the car at one point ? Yes . The points I chose to omit , the buffalo was in a carrier and I had slowed down to take this picture. Play on words. We try to play on our words and get away with a lot of things… Here is the point we often forget … HE KNOWS ALL !! He knows the meditation of our heart.
We may say the most wonderful things, but if it comes from a heart that is filled with bitterness , or anger or unforgiveness then it doesn’t matter what is said. He looks deep within ! Now the converse of this is not true – saying negative things but having a good heart is ok ! We read in Matthew 12: 35-36 , “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” We read in Ephesians 5: 4 that foolish talk, coarse jesting should not even be remotely associated to us.
When we get together as friends in the office , in college how are our words governed ? When we pray and know that every word spoken is heard by the Holy of holies, the great I AM , we know that the angels are around , we know that by the authority given in Christ Jesus to us , demons will tremble … when we know all that in prayer , why do we think at other times of the day that our words do not make a difference ?
‘Lord we pray Father that You will govern our every word and our every thought . Teach us Father to be able to truly surrender every aspect our lives to You. In Jesus Name , Amen’
God Bless