Monday, April 18, 2011

Deal with it at the roots

“But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it.” Luke 13: 8 (New King James version) Its been quite a few weeks that I haven’t been able to get the Verse for the Day mails out on a regular day – to – day basis. Its amazing how patient and loving our Father is :-) His love is so indescribable. Its been an interesting couple of weeks for me where I have learnt so much. And here is what the Lord has placed on my heart for this morning and I pray that it will speak to all who read this . Deal with it at the roots ! Here was a tree that wasn’t bearing fruit. And when the keeper pleads for not having the tree cut down, ,he says that he will dig around it and fertilize it . Another version mentions the verse like this , “And he answered him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure.” He was going to the roots. ·

  • Dig all around it – preparation

  • Put the manure – enrichment

Not spending time in His presence ? Not reading His word ? Struggling with bondages of sin ? Deal with it at the roots ! If our problem is not spending time in His presence (remember we are talking about the King of kings and the Lord of lords, angels cry out Holy Holy Holy ), if we are allowing things of the world get in our way of spending time with Him, we need to dig at the roots ! Where is our heart truly ? Have we made God our Wish list granter ? Have we forgotten truly who He is ? Have we forgotten who we are in Him ? May we dig around and prepare our hearts and allow Him to enrich us with His word and Spirit.

If our problem is struggling with bondages of sin , deal with it at its roots. Hooked to pornography ? Cut off your net connection , throw away your computer , disconnect your cable . Dig all around ! Let Him enrich your life ! Spend time in His presence and with friends whose mind is set on things above.

Worried about financial situations at home ? Anxious about your future ? Deal with it at the roots . Do we truly trust God or not ? Have we been walking in His ways or not ? Are there things in our lives that need correction ? Have we been careless in what God has given us ? Dig all around ! He will enrich our lives with wisdom and He will direct our paths.

If we look on the inside of ourselves and all we see if discontent , bitterness , worldly desires and cares then how can we expect an outwardly fruit of the Spirit to be borne ? How will that ever show ?

However , if we have been feeding on His word , spending time in His presence; when we look on the inside and see things of Him , then for sure what’s on the inside will automatically spring forth fruits to be shown on the outside for His glory.

God Bless

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