Thursday, May 9, 2013

Living by the principles of the Word !

"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.."

James 3:16-19

I remember a couple of years ago when I got promoted I was super happy. I was thanking and praising God. I was the youngest in my team to have that designation by God's grace.  And then I found out someone who had done half the work that I had over the year had got promoted too to the same designation . And honestly this was my first reaction in my head , "What ? him ? how come ?" 

Sometimes the philosophy of the world creeps into us ! The world says "Be selfish.. Its all about you...Don't be happy when good things happen to others"...

Praise the Lord for His grace. I remember God correcting me and I was like , "Lord I am so sorry for even entertaining such a thought... " 

Here is the thing.. Our God is a good God ! And He blesses us beyond what we deserve. But the philosophy of the world is one of selfishness... Its about self ambition and self desires and there are loads of opportunities to be bitter and harbour jealousy. And this can be in school, college, work or even within the church.  In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard we see that the labourers were so self interested and just lacked compassion for their fellow workers

So in my situation God had blessed me o so much. And here was the flesh saying , "Oh forget about that...look at others... see they don't deserve it...".. Put to death the ways of the flesh ! 

Our God desires that we be those who value others above ourselves... That we walk in love as He does... 

If we walk with our eyes focussed on Him , our hearts lifted to Him , our life surrendered before Him  then the way we live life will be different. 

And this is my prayer , that we may see as He sees , that we may live as He desires. May our hearts be moved with compassion and not with selfish ambition

God Bless

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