Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I Surrender All

"“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted."
Job 42 : 2

We read in chapters 38 onwards God's response to Job's questioning. Its an amazing few chapters and if you can, please take the time to read it.  Chapter 38, v4-5 , “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know!  Or who stretched the line upon it? "
As we read on through the chapters it just expounds how little we truly know and how magnificent God is in His wisdom.  Job finally responds to it saying "“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted."
Now if I were to preach this from the pulpit and say , "How many of you agree with this ?" I am sure to get a loud response of Amens all around.

So here is the question we need to ask ourselves ... God who's wisdom is far beyond anything we can begin to comprehend.. This God whom we serve and we love... How often do we push time with Him aside because we need to get to work ? (as though we are so confident that we control every minute. It is sheer grace that protects us and carries us through the day).  This God whom we say is our Saviour , how often do we push aside and not go to church because we want to catch a few hours of sleep or even study for an exam (forgetting it is God who gives us wisdom in the first place.. what could we ever do on our own)

Im not being legalistic but rather want to ask questions so that we take a moment to think, is our life a testimony or a contradiction to the word of God ?

Here's the beauty of it.. Moses lifted the rod (a stick, yup thats all he had) and God parted the red sea. David took a few pebbles and a sling and God gave him victory over Goliath (which trained soldiers feared to do) , a little boy gave his five loaves and two fish and God multiplied it to feed five thousand men plus many women and children.

How amazing it is when all that we have is surrendered to Him ! How wonderful a day is when it begins at the feet of the Lord ! How testimonial our lives are when we desire to live for Him and be doers of His word !

God Bless

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