Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have we wandered?

“Make me understand the way of Your precepts; So shall I meditate on Your wonderful works.”

Psalm 119 : 27 ( New King James Version)

Coming back to the discussion of being a Christian driver… Couple of days back I was awakened to an interesting realization. My car is always stacked with gospel music and I love listening to music and singing (no one around :-)) as I drive. However as I drove, God stirred up this thought in my heart . Why am I listening to what I am listening ? Yes , its gospel. But then I realized that sometimes my focus has been on the music rather on it coming from my heart. For example , I was cruising down the highway singing on the top of my lungs ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord’ as the cd played. I loved the fast beat , I loved the tune , I loved the fact there was no traffic and I got to sing it ; unfortunately without really meaning the lyrics as I sang. It was just a really cool song that I liked. I went like “Lord when did I get lost on the way !!” Now as I drive its become a prayer… every song a prayer to Him. And its been amazing. He makes the change . He opens eyes and brings understanding.

We read in verse 10 that "With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!” Two words that struck me : 1- WHOLE heart , 2 : Wander !

With our whole heart , that’s the way we ought to seek Him. Its not about the music , its not about the office work I need to do. Its not about what this world expects me to be .. Its all about Him and how He wants me to be. And I need to seek Him with my WHOLE heart.

Notice the word ‘wander’ ? Its like small steps small steps and then suddenly you turn around and realize ‘oh oh I’m lost’ .

We need Him to touch our lives , we need Him to make us understand the way of His precepts and we will meditate on His wonderful works. Today we need to realize that its easy to wander , we need Him to help us understand the ways of His precepts. And that comes from seeking Him.

Verse 28-29 , “ My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word. Remove from me the way of lying, And grant me Your law graciously.

God Bless

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