Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In Every Circumstance ?

“I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.”

Psalm 119 : 15-16 (New King James Version)

Driving in the city I am currently at, can be a little tough … well lets say it requires quite a bit of patience :-) Bikes and vans come within inches of the car and nearly hit the sides of the car in their attempt to over take you and drive ahead. Buses follow something like the law of the jungle ! In this case the bigger the vehicle the more the authority to shove smaller vehicles off the road. Buses cut diagonally across the car and I have to hit the brakes and come to a complete stop and see the bus go zigzag across the road. And if you get stuck in peak traffic hours then it can be a real test of patience as you move inch by inch and in that little gap between you and the other vehicle, a bike or a cycle tries to squeeze their way and in the bargain hit the rear view mirrors, scratches on the side of the door.

It takes a whole lot from me to try and refrain from shouting ‘Dude careful !!’ :-) Here is what the Lord has been gently and lovingly teaching me. Am I a Christian Driver ? Am I truly a follower of Christ even when I drive my car ? Would I be bold enough to stick a bumper sticker ‘I am a Christian Driver’ and would the way I drive be a reflection of that for all to see ?

We are His children ! Its easy to forget that though, when we get focused on the world around us.

I love verse 11 , “Your word have I hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.” His word is to be embedded within our hearts. Its to be hidden in our hearts that at any point in time we will not forget His word. Why hide His word in our heart ? That we may not sin against Him.

We read in verses 15-16, “ I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.” This has been my prayer over the last week. That I may not forget His word ! When traffic is crazy or when work gets stressful may I not forget His word.

Circumstances should never dictate who we are . As His children we get to dictate to circumstances :-) He is above every circumstance and every situation. If we will just meditate on His precepts and delight ourselves in His ways , His laws and not forget His word … wow … That’s being a Christian !!

God Bless

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