“Now the king was exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God.”
Daniel 6 : 23 (New King James Version)
A little background regarding the context of this verse. Darius had set over the kingdom one hundred satraps. And over these satraps he set three governors. One of these governors was Daniel. We read in Daniel 6: 3,” Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.” So the other governors and satraps tried to find some fault in him. But they could not. So they consulted together and spoke to the king and had him set a decree that for thirty days that people were to petition no god or man but only the king else they would be thrown in the den of lions. Daniel heard about the decree and guess what he did ? He worshipped God in His room as always three times that day. Now the these men went and told the king what Daniel had done. The king was then forced to have Daniel thrown in the den of lions because once the king has passed a decree no one can change it including the king himself. The next morning the king arose and went to the den and Daniel was alive. We read in verse 22 Daniel says ,””My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouth, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also O king, I have done no wrong before you”.”
Now picture this… being thrown into a den of lions. Lions prowling all around you … God did more than just shut the mouth of the lions. The lions never even pounced on him , they did not scratch him with their huge paws… there was a lot that could have gone wrong. But God’s protection is so amazing. It goes beyond what we could imagine. We read in verse 23 that there was no injury at all that was found on him . Not even being thrown into the then had any scratches or cuts. I’m sure dens were not well polished and smooth !! God’s protection over the lives of those who trust in Him is so amazing.
As you read this I pray God will stir up a grateful heart within to understand how amazing His protection is over our lives. We read of accidents, burglaries… I’ve heard of people falling from a tiny stool barely half a foot above the ground level but the fall being fatal… Now days someone sneezing can transmit germs which cause fatal death …
We breathe in and breathe out perfectly by His grace ! Praise the Lord ! We can eat and taste the food that God has so graciously provisioned for us. We get to hear and see our family .. such a blessing . And above all … He has blessed us with another day to be lived for His glory . Not for our purposes… but for His purposes. Can you imagine how wonderful the purposes of God is in our lives that He set His protection upon us and willed that we see today ? He protects us from things beyond the natural.
Here is where it gets interesting … we read in verse 24, “And the king gave the command, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions— them, their children, and their wives; and the lions overpowered them, and broke their bones in pieces before they ever came to the bottom of the den.”
Even before they could reach the bottom of the then their bones were in pieces .. and these were a whole lot of people. The lions overpowered them. And we just read about Daniel who spent the entire night … and not one scratch. Even if the lions mouth were shut they could have still overpowered him and crushed his bones. There were many lions and only one Daniel. What made the difference ? Our Living God who is above all !! He sends His angels and He sets His protective hedge around us.
Daniel’s primary focus was not His job. It was His God ! I pray that we will lead lives that are of Him and for Him. May the pressures or demand of our work , our colleges, our schools , our loved ones… never ever take the place of our God in our lives. Daniel was a busy man. He had people reporting to him, he had to oversee things happening in the kingdom… but yet His primary focus was God. He prayed and gave thanks on his knees three times. His work was done in a manner that was acceptable in the sight of the Lord.
May our lives be lived for Him. He has blessed us to see this day for purposes of Him . Have we sought Him ? Have we thanked Him ? Are we living our lives for Him ?
God Bless
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