“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”
Psalm 32: 8 (New King James version)
Picture this with me… (I love using the tortoise and hare illustrations). There is an obstacle course race conducted by God . And God talks to the tortoise and the hare and says ‘here is a staff each . Now go and if you ever need anything just ask and I’ll help you’. The hare as always zooms ahead and reaches a big rock on his path. He uses the staff God gave him and moves the boulder. And he is all happy . The hare asks God ‘ok what next ?’ and God gives Him couple of huge and heavy wooden planks. And as the hare gets the wooden planks he sees the tortoise slowly coming up the road having moved his boulder too. And so he zooms ahead with the wooden plank. Minutes later he finds the planks really heavy and starts saying “God doesn’t know what he is doing. Why should I have to carry this ? I would have gone way ahead if I didn’t have these. What’s the point of all of this !’. And as he keeps running he wonders if he should ask God or not what to do next. He sees a board “Shortcut ’ and sees others strolling around happily without the weight of the planks. He thinks “I can make it without this’ and he runs leaving the planks on the side of the road. The tortoise on the other hand diligently carried the planks. He asked God ‘Lord I know its heavy , but you gave it for a reason. Show me what I should do’. God hands him nails , a hammer and a rope. The tortoise thinks “Hmmm I asked God , I thought it would get lighter, but its gotten heavier instead..but lets obey the instructions after all who else knows the race better than God’. As he goes ahead the tortoise sees a river the only way to go to the finish line. He uses all that God gave him , builds a raft and sails happily to the finish line. As for the hare ? He never made it to the finish line. After all , there’s only One Way !
Couple of things …
· God is always ready with open arms to instruct us and teach us in the way that we should go. Do we seek Him ?
· You cant use the staff given yesterday for the needs of today. God might be having some planks for you instead ! :- ) Every step of the way His guidance and His instructions are beautiful. Don’t rest on Sunday’s prayers and anointing to get you through till next Sunday. Its an every moment surrender and yielding and seeking Him. Don’t miss what God has to tell you today !
. He designed the entire universe . He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows best ! If you have surrendered completely to Him and if He allows something and takes you along a path you don’t understand , its ok. Lean not on your own understanding ! Proverbs 3: 5-6 , “Trust in the LORD with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him. And He shall direct your paths."
God Bless
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