“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayers and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4: 6-7 (New King James version)
As I grow older I realize more and more what God spoke about becoming like little children. As a kid my mom always brought me up saying ‘when you pray have faith that God has answered your prayer, the Bible says believe you have received it”. And that was something that still stands engraved within . So after our annual exams in school , the first Sunday immediately after our exams you could find me testifying in church saying ‘I thank God for enabling me to pass from 4th grade to my 5th grade” . The general procedure was that a month or two after the exams when on vacation , the school would send out a card to your home stating that you have been promoted to the next grade. I on the other hand did not feel the need to wait . I had prayed over every exam as I wrote , I knew God would get me through the next grade so then what was the point in waiting for the results and then testifying ? :-) I knew He would do it and I testified up front proudly in advance of what I knew He would do.
As we grow older we find ourselves trying to control things ourselves. We think we can handle it or that we have ability to control things in our life. And that’s the key difference between a child and an adult. Depending totally on his/her parents comes naturally for a child … A child does not confuse circumstances … A child has simple yet total faith ‘my Father said He will do it , so He will do it’ J A child doesn’t reason out how when why , he knows that its not his job to worry , he just gladly waits knowing his father will take care of it :-)
Do not be anxious about anything . But in EVERYTHING … in every circumstance , in every situation with prayers and supplication , with thanksgiving lift it up to God. And when you have lifted it up to God, the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Wow ! His peace surpasses all understanding will just be all over our heart and mind guarding it through Christ Jesus ! Such a blessing ! All we have to do is lift it up to Him !
God bless
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