"“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” "
John 6 : 9 (New King James Version)
But what are they among so many ??
Here is the scenario...there are five thousand men and there are also women and children gathered and they are hungry. And the Lord looks to the disciples and asks them what is to be done and tells them to give the people something to eat. And we read in verses 7-9, "Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.” One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”"
Lets look at things from the boy's view . He had five barley loaves and two small fish . Thats just a little...the disciples also said "but what are they among so many ?" Knowing well that the need at hand was so much more, the boy still gave all that he had. He did not think "anyway its not gonna make a difference ...might as well keep it with me"... He gave all what he had ! And we all know what happened ... The Lord took it and blessed it . And it fed not just the entire multitude that was gathered there but they collected twelve baskets full !! Its not what we have that matters...Its that we give the Lord all that we are , all that we have...And in HIS HANDS He blesses it and uses it for His glory.
Were you thinking if that few minutes if you prayed, that one email, that one SMS, the few rupees/dollars that you gave would it make a difference ?? The point is that when you give all that you have and lift it up to the Lord, in His hands little becomes a lot ! It feeds the multitude to a point that there is abundance ! Dont let the devil tell you that what you do doesnt make a difference. If you are giving all what you have to the Lord, then for sure the Lord will bless it and use it for His glory.Give all that you are and all that you have to Him .
Here is another view... from the disciples... A lad gave all what he had, just five loaves of bread and two fish and they had marked it as being insignificant . They did the calculations as per the world and said even if they bought two hundred denarii of bread then too it would not suffice even if they gave everyone just a little !. Sometimes even though the Lord has done wonders in our lives, when a problem comes up we forget what the Lord has done and start thinking and rationalizing and begin saying "There is just a little but what good is that when the need is sooooooo many " . We forget how awesome our God is ... There are so many times when people might come up with a suggestion and we immediately criticize and say "What difference will that make ? Do you think by praying a half hour more it will make a difference ? Do you think by giving one biscuit packet to a kid you will change the world ???" We forget how even the smallest things when in the hands of the Lord can make the biggest of differences.
Lets give the Lord all that we have ...Because its not what we have or what we are that makes a difference...No no no... Its what He will do when its in His hands that makes all the difference. Let us pray that the Lord will give us a spirit of humility , that we may not belittle what people do for the glory of God. But that we may lift it into His hands...Because the Lord will use it as a blessing for not just the multitudes but for us too... The Lord said gather up the fragments that remain and the disciples took twelve baskets full !!! Our Lord is so amazing ...His thoughts are so much higher than ours.... He sees things that our minds cannot even begin to comprehend.
God Bless
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