Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Are we hearing and obeying?

"Then He said to me, "Prophesy over these bones and say to them , O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD."
Ezekiel 37 : 4
Read the passage from verses 1 - 14 . We see that the Lord shows Ezekiel this valley of dry bones. And He asks him "Can these bones live?" . I have tried putting myself in Ezekiel shoes and wondered if God had showed me the same thing and asked me "Can these bones live?" what would have been my response ? Honestly the only thing that comes to my mind is going "ehhhhhhhhhhh.... I dont know... can i take a guess?".
Here is where Ezekiel's heart shows strong.., He responds "Lord You know". He relys on God's wisdom. And this is Ezekiel we are talking about. He was a prophet and priest. The first chapter of the book of Ezekiel starts with a vision of the glory of the Lord Himself. And here he is and his immediate response is not some smarty answer or a guess , but his reponse is that of "Lord onlyYou know"
Then the Lord tells him to prophesy over the bones and say "O dry bones hear the word of the LORD".
Now before the dry bones would live, before the dry bones could here the word of the Lord ,  here is the first crucial step.. Ezekiel had to hear the word of the LORD :) And He would have to step out in faith and obedience and prophecy.
Are we listening to the word of God ? Are we stepping out in obedience ?
It always amazes me that God loves to do things with us. It is He who brought life to the bones, but He gave Ezekiel the task of prophesying over the bones.
Lord help us listen to Your word, Help us step out in faith , Help us obey .
God Bless

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