Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Avoiding the Traffic Jam

Thursday, February 19, 2009 4:34 PM

" O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You."

Psalm 63 : 1-3 (New King James Version)

For the past few weeks I have been leaving home at 5AM and today due to some changes in plans I had left by 9AM... and I got stuck in major office rush... traffic jams... I couldnt believe that these were the same roads that I loved driving on... And the journey that I used to cover in 15 mins tooks over 45 mins...

We serve an awesome God and He always is so patient in teaching us... This is what the Lord reminded me and put in my heart to share....

Waking up early in the morning and seeking the Lord first thing is soooo beautiful . There are no disturbances... Its like this quiet special time with the Lord... There is no traffic jam :) ...No cell phones ringing ...No noise outside the house... No one in the house saying "Hey did you see this ?...Where is that? ...I cant find my shoe..."

The Bible says in Mathew 6:6 that when we pray, to go into the room and shut the door... Meaning its exclusive quiet time with the Lord. Its just U and Him... Wow ! It cant get more special than that !

And hey you know what ? When you have that quiet time with the Lord, journeys which otherwise would take 45 mins get covered in 15 mins !!

What happens most of the times is when we try to say our prayers in a rush in the morning its more like "Lord plz take care of this plz take care of that ...."

Have you ever noticed that its always easier to say "Lord I need more of you" than "Lord take all of me" ?

When we wake up early just to seek Him we have this wonderful time to say to the Lord "Take all of me Father... I surrender all that I am...every action ..every word ...even every thought that runs in my mind Lord everything I surrender to you... Take all of me "

Its so amazing to be able to do that ... I have seen that difference in my life... If I miss my early time with the Lord then I get stuck in the rush... Its more like "Lord Bless my Family Bless my friends...Lord we need more of you in our lives....."

Someone once said that the reason why some of us dont hear from God is because we are so busy talking that we never stop and listen and give God a chance to talk !

We need to come into His presence and just say "Lord I am here for one reason only ...and thats just to be with you..."

The first few verses in Psalm 63 says that "My soul thirsts for you,my flesh longs for you"... when you are thirsty its doesnt matter if I give you the world's most yummiest dish to eat...the only thing you will want is something to quench your thirst....Nothing else will do ! So should our yearning to spend time in His presence... We need to thrist and long for it... We need to jump out of bed and say "Yaaay ! Praise the Lord Im going to meet with the King of Kings , the Lord of Lords..My Heavenly Father now... Oh wow !"

Verse 3 says that His lovingkindness is better than life... Lets not let things of this worldly life have more priority than spending time with the Lord...

I pray that we put Christ first in our life every single day ... That we set aside our best for Him ...The first portion of our day to be rendered to the Lord... And as we come into His presence that we say "Lord Im here just to meet with you ...To tell you that I love you and to surrender all that I am to you...Take all of me Lord...Have your way in me Father..."

God Bless

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