Friday, February 13, 2009 9:14 AM
"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
Psalm 34:8 (New King James Version)
'Taste and see'.... such a key thing... Its so different when someone else explains something and when you personaly taste God and know how amazing He is first hand.
I do admit that while growing up there were a lot of things that I heard in church that went over my head. Like when someone said "God spoke to me" I would wonder "Huh ? Did he hear a booming voice out of the skies???" or when someone very rich would say "Dont worry, God is there to supply all your need" I would think "ya ya you dont know what it is to be poor how can you talk? "
But its only when I personally experienced the touch of God in my life did I understand.
As always I was praying to the Lord for today's verse and as I opened my inbox I saw that I received an email regarding the text that I had written the other day where I had mentioned "I was undettered by the way things were going all around me" And the Lord so beautifully revealed not just today's verse but He also answered a lot of other questions that have been running in my head for years... Let me explain...
I have a savings of zero (not proud of it !) and my entire family is dependant on my salary. If I were to lose this job or if I didnt get my salary on time the effects would be an immediate impact to my family. Every month even if I drop by the money to my folks by the 5th it becomes difficult for them to manage the first few days of the month (bills need to be paid,provisons for the month ...and having my two nephews with us.... Im sure you can understand). But by God's grace I am undettered. By the view of the world its a "Oh no what are you going to do ? " situation... But we dont live by the rules of the world... We walk by Faith and not by sight.... God is in charge and He will provide. I just need to keep trusting in Him.
I have personally tasted and seen how amazing it is to trust completely in the Lord . The Bible says in Psalm 100 : 4 "For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting " . Our God is so good... He loved us first !
I could keep quoting incidents from my life of about how faithful God has been... I mean I remember when I had just joined college and I cried and prayed to the Lord one night because we didnt have the money for a scientific calculator which costs only 400 and it was announced not to enter college without one. I got a call next morning from a member of my church and I thought he just wanted to pray for me since I had joined college and when I went there he said "The Lord asked me to give you this..." and I looked at his hand to find a wonderful Scientific Calculator (Texas Instruments) . God gave me better than the best. And do note.. No one ...absolutely no one other than my own family knew of the financial crunch ... because to everyone else we were this upper middle class family.
It not just financial situations... But every area of our lives that God is so ever faithful...The only thing we need to do is trust in Him.
I remember I used to be the person to always question "Lord why is this happening... "... but as I grew in the Lord I understood better... and today the answer couldnt be clearer... I can truly say I know what it is to have nothing to fall back on in the world... but to totally fall into the arms of our Heavenly Father and trusting in Him completely.
James 1 :2-4 says " My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
God's ways is so much higher than hours. If He wills something to happen in our lives its only for the glory of His Name. We just need to hold on Him and trust Him .
Taste and See that the Lord is good ; Blessed is the man that trusts in Him.
I pray that every day that we live, that we live it in total submission to our Lord. That we personally taste His goodness and live lives of testimony for His glory
God Bless
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