I would request you to turn your Bibles to Luke 5 :1-11.
This is a story that we are all very familiar with … some of us have read it from the time we
were kids at Sunday School…
Let’s read verses 1- 3
“So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, 2 and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. 3 Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.”
The word multitude itself implies a huge number or a massive number of people. Now a multitude of people had come to hear the word of God and so Jesus got into a boat and made it stand just a little away from the land and he taught to the people. That way everyone could get a better view and hear better and they would not be crowding around Jesus and pushing each other. We all know how crowds can get.
Now let’s think a little about Simon. Here is a man who has worked and toiled ALL night . Now if he had caught something he probably would be happy that his efforts had not gone in vain. However he had worked hard all night but had caught absolutely nothing !! Can you imagine the tiredness and weariness of this man ? And now when he would probably want to go and rest , Jesus gets into his boat , makes him move it a little from the land and starts teaching to the multitude. And Simon patiently waits !!
Can You Think For a Second as to what might have been running through Simon’s mind . If I was in Simon’s place I would have thought “Im exhausted ,..I have not caught a thing,…. Jesus is using my boat now and I cant go anywhere either ! ”
Verse 4 says “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
Now when Jesus had finished speaking (So Simon was waiting all this time) , Jesus asks Simon to Cast his net.
Think from Simon’s view… Tired , exhausted , probably frustrated that he has caught nothing , anxious,…. And he has been waiting till Jesus finished speaking . And now Jesus asks him to cast his net !
Look at the obedience of this man . Verse 5 says “But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net”
How many of us have that obedience ? That no matter how much we have tried at something and we have been disappointed that when God gives us a word that we obey ?
We all know what happens next … but here are a few points that I would like us to dwell upon.
In verse four God commanded , in verse 5 Simon obeyed.
Now Simon did not take it as “Oh Praise the Lord…Because I let Jesus use my boat in spite of being Tired that’s why Im being blessed now !!!”
How many of us say that ? How many of us say “Oh because I sacrifice two hours on a weekend that’s why Im being blessed … Oh because I have done this …because I have done that that’s why I am blessed”
That’s not true ! Lets take someone from the choir for example . If he were to think that he is making a great sacrifice by spending 6 hours a week for the Lord that’s wrong . Its an honor and a privilege to be used as an instrument to invite the presence of the Lord ! Wow ! What a blessing !!! How can we say we have sacrificed when we know we have been given an honor that we do not deserve. If our righteousness is like filthy rags then can you imagine our unrighteousness?
· Simon obeyed… and he was blessed
· Simon obeyed and those around him were blessed !!! When we obey the word of the Lord this is what happens… Not only are we blessed but those around us. Obey !!
· Its not anything we do that can make us worthy of the mercy of the Lord. Its only by Grace !!
· Sometimes there is a waiting period before which a blessing comes… Be patient enough to wait on the Lord.
Here is something interesting ….
In Verse 8 “When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!””
Now Simon was with Jesus before this… In fact in Luke 4 :38-39 we see that his mother-in-law was healed … Jesus came into Simon’s house and he had witnessed a miracle to someone in his own family.
What caused him to say only now “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”
Why did he not say this earlier ? Why now ????
Its always different when you witness God touching someone else and when God touches you . They are totally different experiences and must not be substituted with one another.
God may be using you as an instrument for His glory for other people to come into the saving grace of the Lord. You might help arrange a meeting or even be the one praying over people. But no matter what you are doing… Only a touch from God on YOUR life will make you realize your unworthiness…will bring you to your knees…will make you fall face down in the presence of the Lord.
We need to make sure no matter what we never ever lose out on the personal time we have with God. We need to pray for others and be used the way God wants to use us…but we should never miss out on personal time with the Lord. Because its different when you see someone else being touched by God…you say “praise the Lord ! Lord you are awesome” … and when YOU are touched by the Lord you are overwhelmed and tears start pouring out …the love of our Lord is so amazing … we think “Lord I am a sinner… but you in all your glory still love me and listen to my cries”
WOW !! We need that every day !! To empty ourselves completely in total surrender and submission to be filled of the Lord !
· We need that personal touch from the Lord everyday. No matter what your ministry or how the Lord is using you …we all need that one-to-one time with the Lord.
Here is the icing of the cake for today’s message…
· Simon was a fisherman… That was his profession …He fished
· God Blessed the works of his hands…. He blessed Simon in his profession
· And after that Jesus told Simon to leave his profession and follow him !!
Wow ! That’s amazing … Simon could have thought “Well God has blessed me so I will give one tenth of the money I get from these fish and give it to the Lord “ or he could have thought “Wow , now everyone will want to be partners with me because God has blessed me and so because God’s favour is upon me everyone will see and glorify God …through my fishing business I can make everyone realize how awesome God is ”
But God had other plans for Simon. God blessed Simon because our God is Awesome. He is merciful. Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame.
Here is a question we really need to ask ourselves. Are we where God wants us to be ? God will
bless the works of our hands because he is a faithful God. He will not make you fail miserably at your job and say see this is not for you, come follow me . No ! Our God will bless those who put their trust in the Lord and obey !!
Now just because God is blessing the works of your hands, just because God is blessing you in your work place does not necessarily mean you are where God wants you to be . He does so because He loves us and He is faithful.
Its our duty to say “Lord where do you want me to be ? Where you lead I will follow”
God Bless You ALL as you continue to seek His Holy Leading in your life. To God alone be all the glory , all the honor and all the praise .
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